My little family spent our week of vacation disengaged from virtually everything- other people, electronics and social media. It was amazing. Being separated from most of the world for a week reminded me of what I already knew, but sort of suppressed- and that’s that we live in an ‘I want it now and I want it my way world’ and that we’ve got bad attitudes and our priorities are so wrong.

More and more, I feel like the world is drowning in anger. People have forgotten that underneath our skin, clothing, politics, religion and social status, we’re the same inside and we desperately need to focus more on compassion, grace, and peace. And it's not just our communities that have been taken over by anger- so has our sky.

Researchers from of the University of Toronto and Harvard Business School say that ‘air rage’ is a very real thing and that planes with first class cabins are four times more likely to have air rage incidents than plans without first class seats.

Researchers learned that when fliers see people sitting in those fancy reclining seats, sipping on champagne, it puts them over the edge.

Sounds like a case of unnecessary little-kid-temper-tantrum jealousy.

Air rage is more common in coach (84%) than in first class (18%).  And if you’re wondering why there’s even any rage at all in first class, researchers say it’s because some people in the front of the plane feel more “elite” and have higher expectations, so they become angry when their expectations aren’t met, which is just plain shallow, if you ask me.

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