A global study out of Durham University concludes that two-thirds of adults need more rest. And by rest, they mean that adults need more alone time to unwind. Which says to the researchers that adults need to adopt a more introverted way of life.

"...Even extroverts viewed these solitary activities to be far more restful than socialising with friends," says Professor Felicity Callard, the woman who led the study. So even though socializing may be relaxing to extroverted people, to fully rest everyone, introverted and extroverted alike, need to do some activities alone.

Extroverted people may need less restful alone time than introverted people, but everyone of all personalities tends to benefit from time away from other people. More research will be needed to really determine what's best for who, and how much, and when. Until then, it seems that both introverts and extroverts can benefit from traits from the other type of personality.

(via Vice)

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