Do you lie? It doesn't have to be a whopper of a lie, it could be a tiny "white lie". But, people that say they don't lie...are lying!

Think you're an honest person?  Once you hear this, you'll realize just how much you LIE.  It's, like, all day every day.

A new survey found the 10 most common "white lies."  And yeah, I'm pretty sure I've used all of them . . . this week.  Check 'em out.

1.  "I'm fine" . . . 92% of people have told that lie.

2.  "I love this gift" . . . 80%.

3.  "Sorry, I'm sick" . . . 78%.

4.  "I didn't see your text" . . . 72%.

5.  "Let's keep in touch" . . . 70%.

6.  "This food you cooked is delicious" . . . 70%.

7.  "I'm leaving in five minutes" . . . 69%.

8.  "I'm on the way" . . . 66%.

9.  "I'll be ready in 15 minutes" . . . 65%.

10.  "No, you don't need to lose weight" . . . 63%.

The survey also found 27% of people lie to their coworkers more than anyone else . . . for 24% it's their family . . . for 22% it's their friends . . . for 11% it's their significant other . . . and for 9% it's their parents. (Direct TV)


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