Have you noticed when you get up from your desk after sitting for a couple of hours that your body aches worse than it does the morning after hitting up the gym? If the answer is yes, you might be a victim of Dormant Butt Syndrome.

Totally embarrassing name, totally real syndrome.

Chris Kolba is a physical therapist at Ohio State University and is the person who came up with the phrase 'Dormant Butt Syndrome' in an effort to describe the pain people, mostly those who work in an office setting, feel after a day of sitting at their desk. Kolba's research shows that people who've got sore knees, hips, or backs can usually trace their troubles to not having moving around enough and having their rear in gear.

Kolba told the Daily Mail, "The rear end should act as support for the entire body and as a shock absorber for stress during exercise. But if it's too weak, other parts of the body take up the slack and often results in injury."

In simpler terms, do what you have to do to get away from your desk at least once every two hours. Walk around, do squats, do whatever you have to do. Can you imagine how embarrassing it would be if someone asked you what your ailment was and you had to reply that you have 'Dormant Butt Syndrome?'

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