I have one child. She is furry, has four legs and goes by the name of Chloe Mae. She's a peek-a-poo. Chloe loves playing fetch with her toys around the house. One of her quirky little habits is that she's afraid of going under things like chairs, or jumping over shoes to retrieve her toys. But something a little strange happened the other day...

My dad was playing fetch with her as usual and threw her toy in the other room. She ran after it but stopped a couple feet away from it. My dad thought she was afraid to jump over my brother's giant shoes, so he moved the shoes out of the way. He threw the toy again. She still would not retrieve the toy and acted like something was in that room that only she was seeing. This isn't the first time we thought she was seeing things. Sometimes, she will look up at the stairs as if someone is there, even though my entire family is downstairs with her. It's freaking us out to say the least!

Have you ever had anything like this happen with your dog? If so, let me know in the comments below!


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