Imagine driving down the highway, minding your own business and then looking up to see an all white billboard that simply reads in black lettering, "Text and Drive" with the name of a funeral home at the bottom.

That would catch your attention, wouldn't it?

Well, this is a very real thing and drivers in Toronto have been freaking out over it.  But that's not the end of the story. There's more to this advertising campaign. Much more.

People who find the website for the funeral home by Googling it are greeted with a message on their home page that reads, "If you're here, you've probably seen our "Text and Drive" billboard. And if you have, you probably came to this website to tell us what horrible people we are for running an ad like that. And you'd be right. But we're not a funeral home. We're just trying to get Canadians to stop texting and driving, which is projected to kill more people in Ontario this year than drinking and driving. That should make you madder than our billboard."

That's some powerful stuff right there!

[via WCVB]

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