Over the years, I have heard about different studies claiming how good chocolate is for you. Yes, I have believed every one of them.

When I first saw this new study, I thought is was too good to be true! But, the more I learn about it the less amazing it became.

According to a new study, chocolate is better for you than exercise. But, there's a catch, you have to eat 44 pounds of it a day.

Chocolate contains a chemical compound called flavanols. Researchers at Columbia University and New York University found that a large dose of them were better for the brain than exercising.

They increased the blood flow to the brain, improved people's memory, and made them sharper overall. But, it took a ton of flavanols to do it.

The researchers used a concentrated form of cocoa powder for the test.  According to Oxford University Press, to get the effects at home, you'd have to eat 44 pounds of chocolate in a day.

I am sorry if I got your hopes up! Not that I am Mr. Fitness or anything, but anytime I go to the gym I feel great afterwards. So, I guess I'll stick to trying to get fit.


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