If you’ve got a great guy in your life, there's an excellent chance that he grew up in a house with sisters. And while the man in your life might not realize it, growing up surrounded by women gives him a very special insight that other guys simply don't have.

There are three sisters in my family and we ladies have four brothers. I have to say that while my brothers are manly men, they're also very sensitive to women and all of them are excellent door openers and heavy lifters and give amazing hugs when we sisters are down in the dumps.

Here are a couple reasons why guys with sisters make the best boyfriends and eventually husbands:

1. Guys with sisters don't completely freak out when your time of the month comes because he probably shared a bathroom with his sister and is very aware of and sensitive to the discomforts that come with being a woman.

2. Guys with sisters are comfortable around women. Some guys have no idea how to behave around a woman and there's a good chance it's because they never had a real conversation with a girl. Guys with sisters have had lots of conversations.

3. Guys with sisters generally don’t give you a hard time about taking longer to get ready. Think about it- how many times did he watch his sister meticulously blow dry her hair and put on makeup? Or worse, how many times did he watch his sister get upset because someone was rushing her?

4. Guys with sisters tend to  grow up learning to respect, love, and protect women and that's a bonus for you because you get the benefits of what his awesome mom and sisters taught him.

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