
We brush our teeth to get them clean. But did you ever think about what could be on your toothbrush?

I have a big thing with teeth. My dad owned a dental laboratory and I used to work there and I have worked in dentist offices as well. Because my dad I was always surrounded by dentist. There was never a shortage of toothpaste and toothbrushes in my house! So when I read the story I cringed! But I guess it's better to know what could be on our toothbrushes and take preventative measures to keep them as clean as we can.

There was a study done at a university in Connecticut and it tested toothbrushes. It found that 55% of the toothbrushes tested had feces on the bristles!

The reason behind this is because most people leave their toothbrush on or near their sink just a few feet from their toilet. And when you flush your toilet it shoots little particles of the feces into the air and they land on your toothbrush. And the more people you have in your house the more poo you have on your toothbrush! And not only is this gross but it can make you sick too.

So to avoid having feces on your toothbrush you should store it in the medicine cabinet or maybe not even in the bathroom itself. And put the lid down when you flush the toilet. I always put the lid down before I flush and I taught my kids to do that too. Thank goodness! I also already store our toothbrushes in the medicine cabinet but it has more to do with me being anal about the sink looking clean and tidy. Who knew my weirdness would actually turn out to have health benefits!

So I am pretty sure all of us who read this article are going to go home and throw our toothbrushes away and start storing them in the medicine cabinet!


Source: Eurekalert

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