When you're trapped on a plane, you're putting a fair amount of faith in strangers not to act like idiots and make your two-hour flight feel like 22 hours.  So how do you handle it when they don't hold up their end of the deal?

A new survey asked people how they'd handle different uncomfortable situations on a plane.  And here are the results:

1.  If you saw two people fighting, 73% of us would call the flight attendant.  1.3% would pull out their phone and take a video.

2.  If a child was acting up and their parents weren't doing anything, 55% of us would call the flight attendant.  Only 13% would confront the parents.

3.  If someone was reclining so much that you couldn't open up your laptop, 42% would confront the person and 32% would bring in the flight attendant.  And 4% would get revenge by jamming their knees into the seat.

4.  If you were sitting next to someone who had a pet with them, 38% would make small talk about pets.  4% of people would try to get the flight attendant to move the person and their pet to another seat.

5.  And finally, if you were next to someone with an animal because they were disabled, 49% would just sit quietly and not say anything.  1% would try to get the flight attendant to move the person.


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