If you truly want to find love, you might want to switch gears and focus more on really getting to know someone's personality.

You probably are thinking that I made up this study. Well, I did not but I do totally agree with it. I do realize that you have to have that physical attraction, but I think we all get carried away with the looks part of it and forget to really get to know someone.

If you're looking for love, pay more attention to personality than looks. Men and women who have an optimistic outlook on life are not only better lovers, but also better spouses. As Prevention magazine quips, "It's the sexy side of looking on the bright side." It is not surprising that those with an optimistic personality are happier in their relationship than those with a more pessimistic point of view.

What is surprising is that those who married an optimist are also happier, no matter their own life outlook. It only takes one optimist in a couple to give the relationship a happy boost. Why? When faced with difficulties, optimists use an adaptive form of coping. They're more likely to thoughtfully reprioritize and reconfigure their goals when they encounter some difficulties.

Optimists are not minimizers and deniers. They're actually able to be a little more frank and realistic. It is those very traits that allow optimists to handle and then fix relationship problems more effectively -- and that contributes to a healthy marriage. In other words, optimists do more than just think life is good; they work to make life good. (Prevention)

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