
Are you single and looking to date someone? Do you want them to be good-looking and maybe even hotter than you? Well you're in luck because researchers have found the key to dating someone hotter than you. Take a look.

A research team of psychologists from Northwestern University in Illinois did a study and they found that if you want to date someone that is hotter than you there is one thing that you need to do. They say that you need to become friends with them first. And we thought the 'friend zone' was a bad thing!

They found that couples who were around the same level of attractiveness had started dating about a month after they met each other. However couples that were missed matched as far as attractiveness, had usually known each other much longer.

So basically maybe at first your looks don't blow someone away with instant attraction but once you become friends with them and they get to know your personality they may find you attractive.

I would totally agree with this study because it works both ways. Have you ever met someone and there was no real chemistry but after you have got to know that and saw how funny and smart they are they became more "cute" to you? Or have you ever met someone super "hot" and there was an instant attraction but then you got to know their personality and didn't like it and then they became less attractive? Both scenarios have happened to me!


Source: Jezebel

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