I know that this trick will work on me every single day of the week, but according to a new survey, this trick to motivate people works on a lot of people!

A researcher at Duke University wanted to find out what would motivate people to work harder . . . a small bonus, props from their boss, or free pizza.  And PIZZA did surprisingly well.

He did the study at a factory in Israel that makes computer chips, and sent three emails to three different groups of workers every day for a week.

One said they'd get free pizza if they met a certain goal by the end of the day . . . another said they'd get a compliment from their boss . . . and the third one said they'd get a $30 bonus.

And on day one, the employees who got pizza did more work than ANYONE.  It increased productivity by 6.7%, just edging out a compliment from the boss at 6.6%.

For some reason, a $30 bonus actually made people do LESS work.  They were about 5% more productive on the first day . . . but did 13% less work than normal on day two . . . and 6.5% less over the course of the week.

A compliment from the boss ended up having the biggest impact over the course of the entire week, and pizza was a close second.  But that might be because we just don't want pizza five days in a row.

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