Generally I fall asleep under a comforter, on my stomach, with my arms wrapped around my pillow, Lola (my dog) is sleeping under the blanket in between my legs hahah and I have a fan on (even in the winter!)!! Sometimes I get too cold and turn the fan away from me, but never off because I need the sound haha, and for the most part I sleep the same every single night!

And I'm sure you have a bed time routine as well, most people do! We generally think our sleep routine is the best thing for our us because we have been doing it the same for so long, but that may not be entirely true! Did you ever consider how the temperature of your room determines how you sleep? Yeah me neither!

Well a new study looked at different temperatures of bedrooms and reviewed how well people slept in those conditions. Now when the room is too hot I can't sleep, I get hot and frustrated and it's an awful night. However, when the room is too cold I can't sleep either because I wake up to look for ways to get warmer or just shiver the entire time!

Wavebreak Media

Well weirdly enough, you sleep better cold! And it's not just about being cold... there is an actual degree range for what temperatures are better to sleep in!

The results found that your bedroom should be between 60 to 67 degrees Fahrenheit for optimal sleep, and temperatures above 75 degrees and below 54 degrees can disrupt sleep. This is because over a 24 hour period, our body temperatures naturally peak and decline. Our internal temperature is usually at its lowest around 5am and when we fall asleep, our bodies naturally cool off.

So by getting your body to that lower temperature faster can encourage a deeper sleep. And a deeper sleep isn't the only benefit sleeping cold gets you...

Benefits to sleeping cold:

1. Fall asleep faster

2. Get a better/fuller night sleep

3. Look more youthful

4. Decrease your risk for certain metabolic diseases

& here are a few specific ways for you to keep your body temperature low while sleeping!!! Sweet dreams!


[ VIA: SimpleMost ]

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