It's getting to be bikini season, ladies! Don't get mad at me for reminding you, I'm just the messenger. If you've hidden all winter long in big sweaters and indulging in hot chocolate and freshly baked cookies, you're probably not thrilled about trading those big sweaters in for a bikini. Well, you're in luck.

Implement these three easy things into your life to help you shed the pounds and get beach body ready!

1. Get moving early! Morning exercisers burn more calories. It sets a good tone for the whole day. It gives you more energy throughout the day which is a huge plus. And let's face it, when you get done with work, you're probably tired and hungry and just want to get home. The last thing you're going to want to do is go workout. So do it first thing in the morning so you don't find excuses to miss it later!

2. Burn, baby, burn. Running will help you lose more weight than walking since it burns more calories. But whether it's running or walking that you want to do for your cardio, if you increase your speed just a little, then you're going to burn even more. But don't just stick to a consistent pace the entire workout. Adding sprinting intervals is an effective way to increase your calorie burn. Also swing your arms as you move, and you'll burn 15 percent more calories. One time a personal trainer told me that he noticed people who would do intervals of briskly walking then run as fast as they could got leaner quicker. Worth a try!

3. Strength training moves throughout the day. We all know that the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn. So lifting weights is a great way to strength train. BUT there are so many other things you can do throughout the day that will help you. Instead of pushing a cart at the store, grab a basket and carry it. Taking the stairs instead of elevator. You could even do squats and lunges while brushing your teeth.

Adding these little things won't feel like a workout but will help you reach your fitness goals!

Do you have tips to incorporate into our daily lives that will help shed the pounds?


Source: StyleList


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