I'm going to call our Freaky Friday story the 'why didn't I think of this story'. I'm just kidding! Check out what one man did that made him call 911.

Travis Turner, a 27-year-old man from Pennsylvania, called 911 last week. He said he was having chest pains and needed help. Even though he is only 27-years-old, which is usually rather young to worry about a heart attack, they took his story seriously because he is under 5 feet tall and weighs 380 pounds.

So paramedics rushed to his apartment and when they got there he said he was fine. It wasn't until then that the man shared that he actually just needed help fixing his air conditioner.

The police made a stop over at Travis's apartment and arrested him. Apparently this isn't the first time he has made fake 911 calls either. In fact, they say he's made at least 60 false 911 calls over the past three years!

I wonder if they ever fix his air conditioner...


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