Growing up, I was always overweight. In fact, in kindergarten, a note was sent home to my parents because I weighed 94 lbs. and they were worried. So, over the years, I have learned to let the "fat jokes" roll off my back.

But, I still get frustrated with people who think they are "helping." I ran into a friend the other day and he complimented me on some weight I had recently lost. I see him every once in a while and when I put weight on he never brings it up. That right there is a good friend!

Telling someone that they look like they lost weight is a nice thing no matter how big they are. It makes us feel good!

But, we don't need to be reminded or told that "it looks like we are putting on some weight". That statement sucks for many reasons: First off, it's none of your business if we are gaining weight. Secondly, we don't need YOU to tell us that we are putting on some extra pounds.

We are getting if from our clothing, the chairs we sit in, the top of the stairs, and the seat belt in the car.

And, suggesting that we should "just eat more fruit" is stupid! If you truly want to help, then buy me a membership to the gym!

When we are ready to make changes in our lives in any area we will do it! We are not going to magically start losing weight because you "noticed" an extra chin growing on me.

I know your intentions may be good, but they are NOT helping me get healthy. Thank you, but no thank you!

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