
Guy uses stairs to lose weight
Guy uses stairs to lose weight
Guy uses stairs to lose weight
If you are trying to lose weight or get healthy, and one of your excuses is that you can't afford a gym membership....FORGET IT! The toughest part about losing weight is coming up with enough excuses so people will leave you alone. Trust me, I am the king of excuses...
more friends means small waist
more friends means small waist
more friends means small waist
If you are not happy with how big your waist is, then maybe it's time to grow your circle of friends. According to Women's Health, it works on mice so it's got to work with us, right? Growing your circle of friends could shrink your waistline...
Marriage bad for the scale
Marriage bad for the scale
Marriage bad for the scale
If you are really into your health and fitness and it doesn't take a back seat to anything then marriage might not be an option for you. According to research from Ohio State University, marriage or divorce can cause issues on the scale...
Give your brain a workout
Give your brain a workout
Give your brain a workout
Giving your brain a workout is just as important as getting a workout at the gym. And, there are some simple ways to do that. According to The Telegraph, you can make yourself smarter today by adopting a few habits that may sound a bit strange, but which will exercise your brain in subtle ways: For example, if you're right-handed, brush your teeth with your left hand ... Read More ...
Common weight loss mistakes
Common weight loss mistakes
Common weight loss mistakes
Losing weight and getting healthy is so difficult and frustrating. It is even more frustrating when we get in our own way during the process. According to Women's Health, someone asked a nutritionist to list the most common mistakes we make when we're trying to lose weight...
Get Your Health Back On Track
Get Your Health Back On Track
Get Your Health Back On Track
What I'm finding is that the path to healthy living isn't that hard, but it does take some planning. Here are a few ways to get your healthy habits back on track.
Will your diet succeed
Will your diet succeed
Will your diet succeed
If you want some insight on whether or not your next diet will fail or not, just look out your window. You are probably like, "WHAT?" But, it's true. Don't look in your refrigerator look around your neighborhood. A recent study adds weight to the theory that where you live can make you fat...

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