Food and drink

Good Food Choices
Good Food Choices
Good Food Choices
What you put in your mouth before and after a workout is just as important as exercising itself. You can work your butt off, but if you don't pair it with healthy food choices then why even workout?
Louie G's Pizza pick of the week!
Louie G's Pizza pick of the week!
Louie G's Pizza pick of the week!
New York Pizzeria on West State Street in Binghamton has a ton of different gourmet pizzas always ready when you stop in! They have so many that it's a problem trying to decide which ones to get.
Is tap water that bad for you?
Is tap water that bad for you?
Is tap water that bad for you?
I was recently at someone's house and I grabbed a glass and proceeded to help myself to some water out of the tap. You would have thought I just told everyone in the room that I am a serial killer.
Binghamton Restaurant Week
Binghamton Restaurant Week
Binghamton Restaurant Week
Binghamton Restaurant Week 2016 is underway. It is going on now through April 14th. There are great 3-course lunches starting at $10. And, fabulous 3-course dinners starting at $20.
Don't eat lunch alone
Don't eat lunch alone
Don't eat lunch alone
I have to admit, I love eating lunch alone. My schedule is a little different though. I don't take a lunch break. I actually am done with work for the day at lunchtime. So, I like to  relax at a local restaurant or bar and grab lunch alone.
New coffee option
New coffee option
New coffee option
If you need that coffee fix every day then this is just a nice new option to get that. Or, if you are like me and can't stand coffee then maybe this new option will help you get that pick-up you always wanted from a nice cup of coffee.
Your favorite ice cream
Your favorite ice cream
Your favorite ice cream
Some people think I am boring for loving vanilla ice cream. They say there are more interesting flavors to like than vanilla. I just love vanilla! Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't turn away a different flavor of ice cream if it was in front of me, but vanilla is my favorite.