
First date do's and don't's
First date do's and don't's
First date do's and don't's
If you are going on a first date and you are not nervous, then I am impressed. I think it's natural to be nervous when going on a date, especially a first date.
Phrases every dater should use
Phrases every dater should use
Phrases every dater should use
The problem with relationships is communication...TOO MUCH communication. OK. I'm just picking, but sometimes it doesn't have to be so complicated.
Get him to watch a chick flick
Get him to watch a chick flick
Get him to watch a chick flick
I am a little confused why guys don't just bite the bullet and watch a chick flick with their lady. She would love it. And, would show appreciation in some way.
Know a woman by her purse
Know a woman by her purse
Know a woman by her purse
Women can be a deep ocean of secrets...I think I heard that in a movie. Anyways, forget trying to read her mind, just look in her purse.
What to look for with love
What to look for with love
What to look for with love
If you are single and looking for love, it's easy to get caught up in the idea of being in a relationship. But, here are some do's and don't's when searching. Dr. Tara Fields has some basic advice for singles looking for a relationship or those looking to keep a relationship...

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