well being

Trick to eating veggies
Trick to eating veggies
Trick to eating veggies
I'm not just saying this, but I really do wish that I liked veggies more. I know they are good for me but I hate how most of them taste. How come we can put a man on the moon but we can't make it so veggies taste like pizza? Until that day comes we might just have to keep tricking people and kids specifically into eating more veggies...
How much exercise we need
How much exercise we need
How much exercise we need
What is the magic number, as far as exercise goes, that we should do in a week? There is a number that we should try to reach every week, but as long as we are doing something I think we are OK! The answer is: 150 minutes a week. If you want to stay healthy and strong...
Easy way to lose weight
Easy way to lose weight
Easy way to lose weight
We all want that quick fix to lose weight. But, if you are serious about losing weight I have found a fun way to do it and hopefully keep it off. This is going to sound so mean, so I guess I am sharing this information lightheartedly, but according to a study from Baylor University hanging out with heavy people can hinder or slow your weight loss progress...
Kiss cranky goodbye
Kiss cranky goodbye
Kiss cranky goodbye
Sometimes we can't pinpoint it, but we find ourselves a little cranky. The solution might be a simple one. Anyone who knows me knows that I am a huge believer in this method to not being cranky. It might not be as easy for some people to do, but I always try and do this no matter how busy my day is...
Snow and cold dangerous
Snow and cold dangerous
Snow and cold dangerous
For many of us, it's a day off. A fun way to stay indoors and watch movies and stay in our pajamas. And, occasionally we get bundled up and go out to shovel just to keep up with the continuous snowfall. But, this snow and cold can be very dangerous for the elderly...
What stresses us at work
What stresses us at work
What stresses us at work
Whoever says that work isn't stressful is lying to you. It could be a little stressful or a lot but at some level, work can be stressful. Today SHOULD be a day off of work.  But it's not, so now we have to go back to the stressful pressure cooker of our jobs and hear Linda's thoughts on the Super Bowl commercials...
Fidgeting is good for you
Fidgeting is good for you
Fidgeting is good for you
Some of us may do it more than others but we all fidget. Turns out that those who fidget more are healthier. We all fidget, but some do it more than others. It can be as simple as gently drumming your fingers on the table or rapidly shaking your leg...
What helps us on Mondays?
What helps us on Mondays?
What helps us on Mondays?
The only people I know who like Mondays are the ones who have it off regularly. So, what do the rest of us do to get through the worst day of the week?