Fatima Ptacek, the 15 year old voice of "Dora the Explorer"is being dragged into court by the parents of one of her former friends and classmate.

Apparently Fatima got their daughter expelled from their New York high school for vaping in the girl's bathroom. As usual an older student ratted them out, and the one girl was kicked out of school. The problem arose because Fatima only got suspended for 3 days. I know it looks like she received special treatment, I mean who would expell Dora the Explorer? The thing is, the third girl involved wasn't punished at all.

The parents of the expelled girl say Fatima utilized peer pressure to make thier daughter vape. She only wanted to show off her "cool"  factor in front of Fatima because she's a celebrity.

They filed court papers demanding that the school reinstate their daughter, and they're also seeking unspecified damages. Get this, no drugs or tobacco were even involved. It was just caramel flavored 0% E-Juice.

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