Happy National Friendship Week! To celebrate, I found a new survey where people were asked about what they would be willing to do for a good friend. The top 10 responses may surprise you!

  1. 92% of people said that they would drop what they were doing to go help a friend who's car had broken down.
  2. 92% said that they would be honest with her friend if they asked about their outfit and it looked really bad.
  3. 84% of women said that they help their friend wax hard to reach area and on the same note 54% of men said that they would help a friend with 'manscaping'. Yuck!
  4. 81% of people said that they would donate a kidney.
  5. 77% would go with their friends to see their favorite band even if they hated the music.
  6. 77% said that they would help their friend move and even if it wasn't Super Bowl they would help!
  7. 59% said that they would cut back on drinking to support a friend who was wanting to quit.
  8. 56% said that they would go skydiving with their friend even if they were afraid of heights.
  9. 46% of people said that they would get matching tattoos with a close friend. I got a tattoo with my best friend but they weren't matching but we got them on the same spot.
  10. 39% of people said that they would break up with someone if they're close friend didn't like them.

I actually agree with number 10 on some levels. Your friends know you very well and hopefully have your best interest at heart. So maybe they see something about the person you're dating that love/lust blinds you.

What have you done for a good friend?


Source: Skout

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