It's ice cream season! To me though, ice cream season lasts all year.

Have you ever put any thought into why you choose the ice cream topping you choose? Well, ice cream toppings can reveal the real scoop on your personality.

Smucker's dessert toppings conducted the survey to find out what the toppings meant. Let's see how accurate their findings were:

  • Hot Fudge signals someone who's successful, confident and optimistic.
  • Caramel Sauce indicates a person who's spontaneous and open to the experiences of the world.
  • Fruit Toppings reveal a colorful character with a zest for life.
  • Sprinkles are favorites of the vivacious and bold.
  • Nuts are preferred by traditionalists.
  • Whipped Cream with a Cherry is the choice for bold, brassy types who set their own style.

How well did they peg you and your toppings of choice? My problem is that I like all of them and never pick the same one twice. So, does that mean that I have a little of every characteristic in me?


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