This is the time of year (more than others) that men propose to their partners. If you're recently one-half of a lucky engaged couple, you may be wondering how to navigate these new (to you) waters. Here is what no one tells you about getting engaged.

  • You could feel fear. It's normal for the woman, like the man, to get cold feet about getting married. If this feeling won't go away, consider talking about these thoughts with your partner.
  • You could feel regret. Despite the fact that you know in your heart that you've found "the one", your thoughts may still waver. It's normal, and as long as these feelings eventually subside, you should have nothing to worry about.
  • You could feel sadness. Everyone tells you that this is the happiest time of your life. If you don't think you're feeling exactly as you should, you may start to feel sadness. Don't let anyone tell you how you should feel.
  • You could feel anxiety. Wedding planning can be stressful. It may, believe it or not, feel anything but romantic. You've thought about how you would feel in this moment and maybe it's not exactly how you're feeling now.
  • It could trigger unresolved family problems. Getting engaged may bring about issues and concerns in your family that you never knew were there.

Just remember that you love your new fiancée, and that everything will turn out fine if you just breathe every once in a while. Congratulations!

(via Brides)

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