There are a few certain things in life. We know that death and taxes are certain, but here's another one- it's certain that your most brilliant ideas will come to you when you're in the shower and have no way to record or write them down.

This exact thing happened to me this very morning. There's an article that I've been wanting to write, but I couldn't think of a good way to start it. I'd been mulling it over for about a week and then just as my hands were all sudsy from washing my hair, the answer came to me. And so I did the only logical thing I could think of. I yelled for my husband, waking him out of a sound sleep at 3am. Jay jumped out of bed, thinking something was wrong. As you can imagine, he was less than thrilled when I asked him to grab my cell and pull up the recorder so I could verbally record my thoughts before they disappeared.

If genius thoughts seem to come to you in the shower like they do me, there's an explanation.  According to Glamour Magazine, a new study published in the journal 'Thinking & Reasoning' says that problem solving and creativity are best done when you're free thinking and not really trying. When you're in the shower, you're relaxed and this frees up your mind to wander. That’s when those brilliant moments happen!

The next time you're trying to figure out a big problem, hop in the shower. And if hopping in the shower isn't an option because you're at work, go for a little walk, grab a cup of coffee and let your mind wander a little bit. The answer should come to you!

[via Glamour]

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