A few years back, I had surgery and the surgeon had to reattach my belly button. He attached it off center a little. I know...it's probably a little more information than you wanted to know about me.

There is a person named Gerald Reibmann, who wrote a book about belly buttons, and what your belly button says about you and how long you will live. It seems a little far fetched but it was entertaining to read about.

Here is what your belly button says about you if your belly button is the following:

  • Off-center -- you're fun-loving but moody. You'll live into your early 70's.
  • Round -- you're modest, even tempered, and quiet. Expect to live until your early 80's.
  • An outty -- you're optimistic, outgoing, and enthusiastic. You will live until your early 70's.
  • An innie -- you're gentle, cautious, and prone to worry. You'll live into your mid 60's.
  • Horizontal -- you're complex, emotional, and sensitive. You will live until your late 60's.
  • Vertical -- you're self-confident, generous and stable. You will live until your mid 70's.

What do you think of his predictions? Was he right about you and your belly button type?


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